Since Grandma Rose mentions pumpkin blossoms at the end of this week, I thought it was a good time to break out the St. Paul cookbook from 1994 that I purchased a few years ago on Ebay for cheap that had a bunch of Grandpa Archie and Grandma Lou’s recipes in there (and a few other Peter family recipes, too). One of them is grandpa’s fried pumpkin blossoms. I was so excited a few years ago to have pumpkins going and I was about to pick my blossoms to try this recipe when squirrels/rabbits/chipmunks set to decimating them and I lost all of them – just devastated! Anyway, Grandpa Archie’s recipe is at the bottom of this post if you’re so inclined to try them yourself!
NOTE: As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.
July 30, 1977 – Got up 8:00 Got card from Lou and Arch from Michigan. Didn’t feel too well after my bout last night. Tired. Went to garage in afternoon and cut Lens hair. He was really getting shaggy.
July 31, 1977 – Got up 9:00 A.M. Opened garage to feed cat – Horrors and Dam! During their fight in the night, they made silage of my beautiful big coleus and purple vine next to the garage – Felt sick my stomach and discouraged. Everything was so beautiful and I was so proud of the flower beds.
Repotted the fuschia plant to hanging pot and on table away from cats. Tried to call Rosie – no answer. Made double batch of apple sauce squares.
Awful storm coming up so no T.V. tonight.
August 1, 1977 – Got up 8:30 – Boy! What a wet morning! The storm we had lasted from 6:30 to 11 – Still was thundering when we went to bed at 11:15. Hailed and lightning was awful. Couldn’t watch T.V. again.
August 2, 1977 – Got up 8:00 Cleaned and debri from around shed that I pulled Mon. Also weed I pulled from flower beds Mon. Len and I canned 9 pt. apple sauce and froze one container apples for pies.
Set out some creeping phlox and some Rose Moss. Trimmed evergreens by little garage door.
Did some hand washing. Got embroidery and scarf also sleigh to be made from Susan. Wrote to Rosie.
August 3, 1977 – Got up 8:00 A.M. Took Len to Dr. Foot coming on fine. Should be healed by next trip Sept. Got awful headache while at Drs. office. He gave me some pills – also prescription for Fiorinal.
Had lunch at Steak Plus: but was too sick to eat much – Still shaky from migraine.
Gave Ef rest of my apples. Didn’t feel like bothering with any more right now.
Thought for today: By the time a man is ready to die, he is fit to live. – Ed Howe, American Writer 1853-1937
August 4, 1977 – Got up hoed beans and worked in corn while Len cleared off more spaces around the tomatoes. Picked beans in flower bed and cleaned out grass and weeds.
Felt sort of dopey all day after the bout with the headache yesterday. But can’t seem to sit around doing nothing.
August 5, 1977 – Got up 8:00. Picked up pumpkin blossoms. Trimmed olive tree by 2nd knee and cut down berry briars out of bank flower beds. Worked out until nearly 10:00 A.M.
Did two lines of washing while Len worked on mower blades.
Rosie called after supper. Squad had to take Ernestine Craig to Berger again and Rosie was elected to go pick her up. Rosie said she was coming down Sun. afternoon. She’s keeping Jill while Lisa gives a baby shower for Joanie.