From The Circleville Herald, Wed, 24 Aug 1977, pg 21, col 2. Click to enlarge.
Pretty slow week for Grandma Rose but I’m struck by her migraine headache and am wondering if that’s where my mom and I get our terrible headaches from. I remember my mom used to have to go to the hospital for shots to stop hers and they’d made her terribly sick to her stomach. I’m very sympathetic to Grandma Rose’s pain. Aside from tooth pain, migraines rank right up there with some of the most annoying and hideous pains I’ve experienced just due to the relentlessness. I get stretches of migraines that have to be stopped with a round of strong steroids but I’m also on two preventative drugs to try and stop them from even happening in the first place. I used to use those injection shots at home before but they made my heart race and gave me severe anxiety. It’s too bad for Grandma that there wasn’t as much relief back then as we have now. With all the new commercials, it seems a new pill comes out every other month!
NOTE: As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.
August 27, 1977 – Got up 8:00 Didn’t do much today except mess around – Went over to Johnsons sale about 12:45 – Didn’t buy anything but enjoyed just looking and listening. Bought an apple pie after the sale, from the church ladies. More tired than if I’d worked all day. Got a quick supper then plopped.
Met our new neighbors to be. Alvin and Naomi Hanes. Liked them immediately. Though I do hate to see Johnson leave.
August 28, 1977 – Slept in. Got Up at 9:00. Pulled some grass in breezeway. After breakfast I picked beans and Len went to garage and cleaned and broke them for me. I got in cans from garage for canning tomorrow.
Len and I sat out under the back maple tree for an hour or so this evening. I dug some grass from around tree flower bed. He wondered if I couldn’t sit for a few minutes. If I didn’t have enough work for one day?
August 29, 1977 – Got up 8:00 Worked cleaning more flower bed on bank digging out moss, dragon head and goose necks. After breakfast, Len scraped carrots potatoes & celery and chopped them. Canned 10 pt. mixed vegetables.
Donna brought up more tomatoes.
Read out some 74-75 canned goods from sewing room cupboard (put in kitchen cupboard to make room for 77 canning.)
Mailed letter to Pearl.
August 30, 1977 – Rained half the night last night. Got up 8:00, opened up, fed cat and washed the tomatoes – cut up worst ones – Left the better ones for Len. After breakfast, while Len chopped tomatoes, I pulled most of the grass from potato patch and took out all the squash and pumpkin vines so the potato patch would dry out some. Gathered a few pepper and tomatoes and cut off suckers. Got tomato juice ready for ice box after Len Moulied them.
Len worked in garage and I loaded all the grass etc. before supper. Cleaned off table in the greenhouse.
August 31, 1977 – Got up 8:30 Put away canned goods and brought all old stock put in kitchen cupboard. Len worked in garage tearing boards apart that Frank gave him. Canned 4 pt more tomato juice.
September 1, 1977 – Got up 8:45 Slight headache but cut off some flowers to root. Got worse during the day and had to let Len eat lunch alone. In bed all afternoon, Len putting cold cloth to my head. Sweat poured off my forehead over my nose and dripped down my face. Slept most of the time – Burning in my lower abdomen like fire. Vomited once about 5:30 or so. Relieved me some – Got up again almost 7:00 and we ate some breakfast food for supper. Len fed cat for me – I got the paper.
September 2, 1977 – Got up at 8:00 Weak this morning after my boat with the sick headache yesterday. Len working on beans. Just hope I’m able to get them in cans.
Hung out some shorts and undershirts., P.J.s & panties that I’d put to soak yesterday.
Had thunderstorm this evening, but didn’t rain too much.
Wrote Mom H. and David this evening.