My list of plants and trees that Grandma Rose had planted is growing longer each week and so is the tally of ones that I’ve never heard of. This week is cotoneaster – which at first I was sure was a misspelling on her part but alas, it was not! I have a holly bush I abhor so this cotoneaster would be a nice replacement as it sort of looks like a holly, but it is a butterfly/bee/bird friendly shrub which is always good for the environment, and my nearby container garden too!
NOTE: As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.
October 29, 1977 – Got up 9:15 Opened up and fed “cat.” After breakfast took things from shelfs in sewing room closets – Painted closet ceiling where Len while Len worked fixing side door in trailer apron – Also painted side selves in the closet and cleaned tile for shelf above.
Trimmed the two coton easters when John Iles was raking leaves. He piled the leaves beside the garage among Autumn Olive – some in front flower bed by blue spruce – some in the garden.
Len fixed plastic on East garage window while I cleaned up my paint brushes before supper. After supper I turned compost pile over and added more rotted corn stalks. Set clocks back one hour before going to bed.
October 30, 1977 – Got up 8:45 Fed cat and faked a few leaves around east side of garage. After breakfast we sat around and jawed. Took bath about 11:00.
After lunch Len worked on new door in trailer apron – while I put boxes back in closet and fixed shoes on shelves. Cleaned walls of closet with lemon furniture polish – waxed linoleum tiles in bottom – cleaned doors and aprt of one wall with fantastic – Cleaned mirror.
Took nap from 3:45 to 4:30 – Got a good supper. Green beans, escalloped potatoes and fried chicken.
Proverb: “Eat whatever thou likest but dress as others d0 – ” Arabian Proverb
October 31, 1977 – Got up 8:30 Fed “cat.” 9:30 I start Fantasticing hallway – Got it all done by lunch time. Awfully dirty. Cleaned small wall plaques and sun burst mirror. After lunch watched my “soaps.” Good to sit down.
Went outside at 3:30 – Emptied last bag of chips Effie gave me – trimmed Olive trees by garage and a cotoneaster – cut more dead branches from evergreen in front of garage. Len did the dishes after supper while I read the paper – We worked on plastic window in garage in P.M.
Thought for today – “I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.” Comedian Fred Allen, 1897-1950
November 1, 1977 – Got up 9:00, Lordie but I was tired when I got up. Aches and pains all over and could hardly move my hands From all the wall cleaning yesterday. Peeled some pears after breakfast. Real good –
Watched soaps after lunch then sorted pears and Len and I carried paint to the green house. Watered a few flowers, and set out a rooted geranium – transplanted my big chlorophillum.
Thought for the day – If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. – Thomas A Edison, American Inventor, 1847-1931
November 2, 1977 – Got up 9:20. Put away the supper dishes Len washed last night. After breakfast of Cream of Rice, roast and coffee – I got in cans for pears. Len and I spent a few hours peeling and canning some of the pears Effie brought down. (5 pts) Watched soaps after lunch –
While Len worked in garage, I cleaned furnace filter and filled cans inside furnace. Ran sweeper in sewing room. After supper, I put more leaves in Effies bag of leaves – also some ever boughts. Sorted out some small potatoes and bagged up the Heralds for Ef to pick up tomorrow.
Graffiti: Self confidence is useful only if you put it work.
November 3, 1977 – Lens appointment Dr. Parek 2:30 P.M. Got home 4:00. Len has his appointment to go to the hospital Dec 4 (Sun) operated on the 5th unless otherwise informed.
Ethel took her two bags of leaves and box of cans for recycling. Got sweeper bag at Sentry today and a few things from Revco. Ethel and I took a tour of yard and green house. Watered a few more of the flowers in the green house. Pretty warm in there.
Thought for today: “I enjoy convalescence. It is the part that makes the illness worth while.” Writer George Bernard Shaw, 1856-1950
November 4, 1977 – Got up 8:30 Hunted up some more cans for pears – Brought in fish for supper – apple sauce for squares. Brought in pears and lids. After breakfast went across to Hanes and got a full cart and one big box of leaves – Emptied the cart – Put the box full in garage for when ground freezes. Went back and got another cartful; Al fixed a big box for me and Naomi filled it and we put them both in the garage.
Watched soaps after lunch then helped Len fix North g.house window – Fixed boards around compost pile – Set out four more hedges on bank – Canned five pints of pears. Makes ten now.