Week 33 of Grandma Rose’s journal found both heartbreak and pain – on Friday, August 13th, her older half-brother Vernon “Penny” Klingensmith passed away. Penny was the son of Mary Elizabeth Eccard and Daniel Minard Klingensmith, who died just a
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 27
I was really surprised this week that there was no mention of the 4th of July celebration in Ashville – gathering at Grandpa Archie’s for the parade, spending the day together eating, the kids going to the Ashville park for
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 26
I couldn’t find Grandma’s reference to Doc Hosler in the paper… I thought 50 years of practice would be noted somewhere but it wasn’t unfortunately. Not even a mention of when he retired as I thought that would be noted,
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 20
WOW! This week has a visit from Len’s daughter, Susan, who brought her mother with her. SURPRISE! Well, I can’t imagine what a weird situation that must have been for Grandma Rose with Len’s daughter dragging Len’s ex-wife Lucy Frances
1977 Diary of Rose Jones – Week 19
I’m coming to realize Grandma Rose is just the busiest person ever. Does she ever sit and read a book? I know there have been a few mentions of her watching her soap operas, but they’re very sparse so far.