I couldn’t find Grandma’s reference to Doc Hosler in the paper… I thought 50 years of practice would be noted somewhere but it wasn’t unfortunately. Not even a mention of when he retired as I thought that would be noted, too, but I only found where his nurse did after 45 years of working for him. However, I found his obituary less than a year after she wrote this notation and included it here. I thought some people might find it interesting. It’s sort of short considering that it left out his military service in France entirely or that he was the first health commissioner for Pickaway County.
NOTE: As always, I left her spelling, capitalization, and punctuation as much as possible.
June 25, 1977 – Got all flowers from greenhouse that goes outdoors. Swept and mopped table and floor – Looks good. Brenda mowed yard today. Gave her my last four one dollar Bills. Cleaned the trailer so I can take it easy tomorrow.
Thought: Life is ten percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it. – Song Writer, Irving Berlin
June 26, 1977 – Got up 8:00 Had coffee and messed around in patio until Len got up.
June 27, 1977 – Got up 7:30 was going to sleep in but couldn’t. Len couldn’t work out – I messed around in the garage a while –
Stormed again, couldn’t watch soap operas again today, so too another nap. Don’t why I get tired after 5 or 6 hours.
15 years ago today Dr. Hostler completed 50 years practice in Ashville. Wasn’t retiring.
No T.V. this evening again. Stormy.
Thought for today: Justice is too good for some people, and not good enough for “the rest.” – Norman Douglas, English writer 1868-1952
June 28, 1977 – Got up 8:00 Between showers hauled 3 loads of old flowers and trash from front sides flower beds. When rain drove me in, about 11:00 – worked in the garage – tore up old long box Henry gave me to make more room.
Set out periwinkle under back evergreen. Put wire around rose bushes where I have my beans. Dug up some weeds by corn rows.
Stormed again, couldn’t watch soap operas so took nap for an hour or so. Pelvis bothering me some today.
Stormed terribly this evening – Had to mop up the bathroom. Lightning was awful – No T.V. again.
June 29, 1977 – Got up 7:30 Opened garage and green house. Set out the three pepper plants Effie gave us. Dug out more from bed in front of trailer and planted Ismene bulbs & transplanted artemesia from side flower bed. Finished cleaning asparagus bed before we had breakfast.
Cleaned every plant from around big peony bush, so can transplant fox gloves this fall. Reset Evelyn’s fuschia plant for her.
Took a nap after watching my soap operas and doing Lens foot.
Set out hens and chicken plants from beneath evergreens to side front flower bed.
Pelvic region hurt – Could hardly lift my feet – Didn’t wear my brace today. I’ll never learn.
June 30, 1977 – Got up 7:05 Set out a few violas under back evergreen by the periwinkle & after breakfast moved off the strawberry patch & raked it. Got a cart load of weeds & berry plants. Len worked in weed patch by tomatoes. I planted 4 shoot rows of peas by pepper plants – Hoed corn and beans.
Brenda mowed the tall grass Johnny missed in the field.
Hard rain and storm this afternoon. Flattened out my hoeing again. Took nap from 1:45 to 3:30
Set out a few sunset cosmos after supper. Had severe thunder & wind storm – 10:15. Had to shut off T.V. The trailer shaking was hair raising. Wore brace today – Pelic region pretty good tonight. Did two lines hand washing during the day.
July 1, 1977 – Got up 7:30 Cleaned up table in garage and ironed all the washing I did yesterday. Set out the tomato plant I found in the garden. Hope its yellow!